Reading A-Z and Raz-Kids Testimonials

Hear why these teachers love Reading A-Z and Raz-Kids.

Reading A-Z and Raz-Kids were designed to make both students and teachers happy, and these teachers can vouch for the effectiveness of these products in their classrooms. When students have access to engaging books in Reading A-Z and Raz-Kids, their confidence increases and their learning improves. Watch the video above to hear more about how Reading A-Z and Raz-Kids improve both teacher and student experiences.

During summer school sessions last year sevearl teachers used Reading A-Z and Raz-Kids resources to impact student learning. These were their experiences.

My name is Jessica Sandoval. I am a fifth grade teacher, and this will be my third year teaching.

My name is Isabel Martinez, I'm a Special Education teacher, and I've been teaching for 10 years.

My name is Pat Thomas, and I've been teaching for 17 years.

At the beginning of the year, they're not speaking too much in class. They're not participating; they're not raising their hands.

Well, I had some students that wouldn't want to read out loud. They were scared.

As they used the resources with me, you could see that they start to raise their hand, because now they're starting to understand some of those words in the classroom.

They are happy. It's more like a fun time for reading.

I saw that they gained confidence to read a whole book, or read a page out loud.

It is really is very gratifying to see that the children could say that word, and you could see their smile.

Using Reading A-Z seems to bring a light inside of the children. It really makes me feel good.

It makes me feel, as a teacher, successful, like they're actually enjoying their reading.

I've spoken to a lot of parents, and when they come in and they say, "You know what, I could see the difference," it's a big thing for the parents. And the kids, you could really see them shine. It makes me happy.

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